Laboratory of Microbial Genomics and Big Data (강원대학교 미생물유전체빅데이터 연구실)
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Laboratory of Microbial Genomics and Big Data

About this Laboratory?

  • Research Interests: We are interested in Microbial Genomics and related Big Data for designing microbiota of the gut and fermented foods.
  • Research Tools: The major tool to design the gut microbiota is to use lactic acid bacteria as probiotics for animals. To analyze the gut microbiota and food microorganisms, we use high-thoughput sequencing technologies such as Illumna HiSeq and MiSeq. Genomic and metagenomic approaches are frequently applied to our research. In addition to genomics, we are also interested in Big Data on Microorganisms to see how the world changes.

    Figure. Sequencing and Microorganisms
    Figure. Sequencing and Microorganisms

History of the Lab

  • 2013.09.01 - 2017.02.28: Laboratory of Designed Microbiota (강원대학교 미생물디자인 연구실)
  • 2017.03.01 - Current: Laboratory of Microbial Genomics and Big Data (강원대학교 미생물유전체빅데이터 연구실)

  Laboratory of Microbial Genomics and Big Data (강원대학교 미생물유전체빅데이터 연구실)
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
(Updated on 06/15/2024)