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Python (Mostly based on Python3)
Python Books and Tutorials
- [YouTube] 파이썬 기초 (2024 점프 투 파이썬 교재로) - 조코딩. [YouTube]
- [WebBook] 왕초보를 위한 Python: 쉽게 풀어 쓴 기초 문법과 실습 [Web]
- [WebBook] 인투 더 파이썬(INTO THE PYTHON), 기초부터 AI까지. [Web]
- [WebBook] Python 데이터 분석 실무 [Web]
- [WebBook] Introduction to Basic Statistics in Python (한글책). [Web]
- [WebBook] 초보자를 위한 Python GUI 프로그래밍 - PyQt5 [Web]
- [온라인Book] 데이터 사이언스 스쿨 [Web]
- [온라인Book] Perl VS Python 코드 비교. [Web]
- 더 많은 Video 자료는 Home-Videos를 참고할 것!
Virtual Environment in Linux (2024.02)
- Python3 required.
- Scripts for Virtual Environment. [TXT]
- Move to your working folder (/home/ebkim = Home폴더로 가정).
- cd /home/ebkim
- Install virtualenv.
- sudo apt-get install virtualenv
- Upgrade pip.
- pip3 install --upgrade pip
- Make your own Virtual Environment called (myEnv).
- virtualenv --python=python3 myEnv
- Activate your myEnv.
- source ~/myEnv/bin/activate
- Example: Install libraries under thie myEnv for your own purposes.
- pip3 install --upgrade numpy pandas matplotlib
- Example: Installing tensorflow.
- pip3 install tensorflow
- Deactivate your myEnv.
- deactivate
- To delete your myEnv, just delete myEnv folder
- rm -rf ~/myEnv
Cheat Sheet from Web
- Cheat Sheet 1 for Numpy in Python. [PDF]
- Cheat Sheet 2 for Numpy in Python. [PDF]
- Cheat Sheet for Pandas in Python. [PDF]
- Cheat Sheet for Data Science in Python. [PDF]
- Cheat Sheet for Scikit Learn in Python. [PDF]
Management of Python Libraries
- Update your library installer.
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install a library with version infomation.
- pip install --upgrade tensorflow==1.13.1
- Install a library without version infomation (The latest version will be installed).
- pip install --upgrade tensorflow
- Uninstall a library.
- pip uninstall numpy
Integrated Development Environment for Python
- For Python IDLE. Under your myEnv, pre-installed libraries can be used in the IDLE.
- python -m idlelib
- For Jupyter Notebook. Under your myEnv, pre-installed libraries can be used in the Jupyter Notebook.
- pip install --upgrade jupyter - jupyter notebook
For TensorFlow
- Scripts for Installing TensorFlow [TXT]
- Activate your myEnv.
- source ~/myEnv/bin/activate
- cd /home/ebkim
- pip3 install --upgrade pip
- source ~/myEnv/bin/activate
- 일반적인 설치 방법
- pip3 install tensorflow
- Version 지정하여 Upgrade하고 싶을 때
- pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow==2.15.0
- pip3 install --upgrade numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn sklearn
- deactivate