include '../variables.php'; ?>
echo($sLabName);?>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 | use strict; use List::Util qw/ min max /; my @aNumbers = (90, 80, 70, 60, 80, 90, 90); # Returning a Scalar / Statistical functions my $fSum = funcArraySum(@aNumbers); print "--------------------------------------------\n"; print "No. of elements : ".($#aNumbers + 1)."\n"; print "--------------------------------------------\n"; print "Sum of elements : ".$fSum."\n"; # by using a variable print "Sum of elements : ".funcArraySum(@aNumbers)."\n"; # by using a function print "--------------------------------------------\n"; print "Mean of elements : ".funcMean(@aNumbers)."\n"; # by using a function print "Pop.StDev of elements : ".funcStDev(0, @aNumbers)."\n"; # by using a function print "Sample.StDev of elements : ".funcStDev(1, @aNumbers)."\n"; # by using a function # Returning an Array / GC Content(%) my $sSeq1 = "ATCGCGATAGTCGTACGATGATCGta"; my @aResult = funcGcContent($sSeq1); # Get an array result from a function print "--------------------------------------------\n"; print "Seq1 : ".$sSeq1."\n"; print "Seq2 : ".$aResult[0]."\n"; print "G Cnt : ".$aResult[1]."\n"; print "C Cnt : ".$aResult[2]."\n"; print "Length: ".$aResult[3]."\n"; print "GC(%) : ".$aResult[4]."\n"; # Returning an Array / Mass Caculation my %hScore_by_Name = (); $hScore_by_Name{'EBKim'} = 90; $hScore_by_Name{'GDJin'} = 80; $hScore_by_Name{'SJKim'} = 85; my %hScore2_by_Name = funcIncrement(%hScore_by_Name); # Get an hash result from a function print "--------------------------------------------\n"; print "EBKim : ".$hScore_by_Name{'EBKim'}." - ".$hScore2_by_Name{'EBKim'}."\n"; print "GDJin : ".$hScore_by_Name{'GDJin'}." - ".$hScore2_by_Name{'GDJin'}."\n"; print "SJKim : ".$hScore_by_Name{'SJKim'}." - ".$hScore2_by_Name{'SJKim'}."\n"; sub funcArraySum { my @aData = @_; # Pre-Existing Array "@_" my $fSum = 0; foreach my $fCurVal (@aData) { $fSum += $fCurVal; } return $fSum; # Return a value / Optional } sub funcMean { my @aData = @_; # Pre-Existing Array "@_" my $fSum = 0; foreach my $fCurVal (@aData) { $fSum += $fCurVal; } my $iCnt = $#aData + 1; return $fSum/$iCnt; # Return a value } sub funcStDev { my $iOption = shift; # 0: STD of Polulation / 1: STD of Samples my @aData = @_; # Pre-Existing Array "@_" my $iCnt = $#aData + 1; my $fAvg = funcMean(@aData); my $fSumSqrDiff = 0; foreach my $fCurVal (@aData) { my $fSqrDiff = ($fCurVal - $fAvg) ** 2; $fSumSqrDiff = $fSumSqrDiff + $fSqrDiff; } my $fStd = sqrt($fSumSqrDiff/($iCnt - $iOption)); return $fStd; # Return a value } sub funcGcContent { my $sDnaSeq = uc($_[0]); # or use "shift" function. 1st element of Array "@_" my $iGCnt = $sDnaSeq =~ tr/G/G/; # Counting the number of "G" my $iCCnt = $sDnaSeq =~ tr/C/C/; # Counting the number of "C" my $iGcContent = ($iGCnt+$iCCnt)*100 / length($sDnaSeq); $iGcContent = sprintf("%.2f", $iGcContent); return ($sDnaSeq, $iGCnt, $iCCnt, length($sDnaSeq), $iGcContent); # Return an Array } sub funcIncrement { my %hVal_by_Key = @_; # Hashes are treated as arrays. foreach my $sCurKey (keys %hVal_by_Key) { $hVal_by_Key{$sCurKey} = $hVal_by_Key{$sCurKey} * 1.05; } return %hVal_by_Key; # Return a hash } # For more information, refer to the following link # |