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Perl Programming (Web-Published Since 2018)
Perl Template
- Template file for coding Perl (EBKim, Since 2024.10.23). [Download]
Perl Books and Tutorials
- [Book] Beginning Perl by Simon Cozens (PDF) [Visit]
- [Book] Modern Perl (2014. Edited by Shane Warden) (PDF) [Visit]
- OOP in Perl. [Web]
- [Book] BioPerl Tutorial - a tutorial for bioperl by Peter Schattner (PDF) [PDF]
- [WebBook] BioPerl - Beginners HOWTO [Visit]
- [온라인Book] Perl VS Python 코드 비교. [Web]
Video Clips for Perl and Bioinformatics
- YouTube Channel - Perl and Bioinformatics [YouTube]
Installing a Perl Module 1 (In linux bash)
- 0. Install C and C++ Compilers (in Ubuntu, gcc, g++).
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ build-essential
- 1. If you like to install XXX::YYY module in Ubuntu,
sudo cpan XXX::YYY
Installing a Perl Module 2 (CPAN mode)
- 0. Install C and C++ Compilers (in Ubuntu, gcc, g++).
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ build-essential
- 1. Enter CPAN by typing cpan.
- 2. If you like to install XXX::YYY module in CPAN, use the following command in the CPAN mode (cpan[1]>)
install cpan XXX::YYY
- 3. Sometime, if you should install CPAN itselt in CPAN, use the follwing command in the CPAN mode (cpan[1]>)
install CPAN
Installing a Perl Module 3 (Manual Installation)
- 1. Install C and C++ Compilers (in Ubuntu, gcc, g++).
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ build-essential
- 2. Download a compressed module file from https://metacpan.org. [Web]
- 3. Extract source files from the compressed module file.
- 4. Move to the working folder.
- 5. Run a perl script by typing "perl Makefile.PL".
- 6. Build by typing "gmake" or "dmake" or "make"(for MacOS).
- 7. Copy built files to a library folder by typing "gmake install" or "dmake install" or "sudo make install"(for MacOS as a super user).
Perl Info
- Summary of Regular Expressions. [PDF]
Perl - Basic Level
- Data Types (Scalar, Array, and Hash) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Conditional Stetments (if, elsif, and else) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Loops (for and while) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- File Handling (Open, Split, @ARGV) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Functions - Pre-Defined (sort, min/max, lc/uc, length, arrays) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Functions - User-Defined Subroutine - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Regular Expression (Basics and Applications) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl - 2nd Level
- Perl one-liners: CLI에서 파일처리를 짧은 코드로 처리할 때 유용. [TXT]
- Double Hash for 2D Table and Reference - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Array Handling for map, grep, and uniq. [PPT]
- Call by Reference - Examples (by EBKim). [ZIP]
Perl for Fun
- Game - Rock Scissor Paper - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Game - Find out the Number - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Beep Music - Mount Rabbit - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl Application 1
- DNA Utility (Reverse Complement, GC Content, Translation) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Data Filtering (Array, Hash, Keys/Values) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Table Sorting based on Hashes - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- How to use SQLite3 - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl Application 2
- Statistics with R - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- URL Download, Genus/Species Counting - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Fasta Handling - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- GenBank Handling 1 (Accession Number), Exception - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- GenBank Handling 2 (File, Tabulate), glob (File Array) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- GenBank Handling 3 - Multiple Exons - By Eun Bae Kim and SEKim. [Web]
- PubMed Medline - Download - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- PubMed Medline - Parsing - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Protection of PDF File with a Password - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl Application 3
- Parallel Processing - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Parallel Processing - Multiple-Level Hash - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl Simulation
- Monte Carlo - Calculating PI - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
Perl Math
- Decimal Number to Binary Number - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Ant Array (개미수열) - by EBKim [ZIP]
Perl Korean Letters
- Hangul Processing - Part 1 (Korean Letters) - by Eun Bae Kim [Web]
- Hangul Processing - Part 2 (Korean Letters) - By Eun Bae Kim [Web]